Do you have a stash of black and white film sitting around in a shoebox, which you'd like to get processed and/or digitized? Rosewater Processing is now open for business and ready to take your order!
Film processing 35mm* or Holga Medium format: $5 per roll. No extra charge for push processing.
Scanning: I can digitize your film strips and burn them to cd for
Chemicals used: For Kodak film I use HC110 or D76 and Diafine for push processing. For Ilford films I use Ilford Developer and Stop. If you don't know what any of that means, no worries, I'll be happy to counsel. *I'm sorry I don't process Tmax film.
Payment: Cash or Paypal only.
Turn around time: Weekend processing, so your film will probably be available the following Monday. If you're in a rush we can talk.
Pickup and Delivery: I have a couple of pickup spots in the Midtown and Montrose area. Mailorder is also available.
Contact me at my yahoo address which begins rosa.foto.
If you are looking for professional, museum quality processing for rare negatives, go to AZ Lab who are absolute pros. Rosewater Processing is your chance to experiment with the wonders of analog photography, at low cost, since I hand process in my kitchen sink. Erotic photography is welcome, if privacy is of tantamount concern.
To my knowledge there are only two (at most, not sure if the other is still open) black and white film labs in the city. I'm a film enthusiast and do this out of the love of the medium. In addition to darkroom instruction I received at Glassell School of Art, I'm mentored by some of this city's best. I'm proud to add to the revival of analog photography.
-Rosa Guerrero
June 20, 2009
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