LLU catalog is updated with a class I'll start offering in January. It's called "Developing Black & White Film in Your Kitchen Sink" and I plan on making it shooper dooper fun (it's a gift). SOOOO, if you know of anyone who might benefit from this class (or one like it) tap me electronically on the shoulder and I'll be happy yap with you about it! Also, if you have a group of five or more who might like to take a similar class, let's talk!
You know Im interested lady!
I think I'm interested in your class.
However, my film is already developed. (my black and white negatives are 2 1/2" x 4 3/4). I want to learn how to develop pictures from the negatives.
Unfortunately, we won't be printing in this class, just developing the film itself. But printing classes are available through Leisure Learning, so pick up a catalog or just cruise over to the web site. Best of luck!
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